Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Intrafamilial Abuse Sibling Incest in Australia Essay Example For Students

Intrafamilial Abuse: Sibling Incest in Australia Essay Denisha Sydney Professor MartinMonroe College AbstractThe paper portrays the changes in family dynamics that happen all through the procedure of family-orientated treatment of families where sibling incest has happened. A step-by-step analysis of the developing family process in incest families amid treatment is given. The investigation initiates the nature of the primary pattern of family connections, investigates the effect made by emergency intercession on the family structure and after that frameworks treatment and end of treatment. Characteristics mechanisms in the family procedure amid treatment are portrayed. A point by point clinical case shows the essential remedial moves and the instruments included. Introduction to AustraliaThe Commonwealth of Australia or Australia, as we all know it, is a continental country located in the Southern hemisphere between the Pacific and the Indian oceans. CITATION Twi16 l 1033 (Twidale, 2016) mentions that it is the biggest country and the smallest continent. Australia played a major role in the Britishs decision to lessen the overcrowding of convicts in their prisons, which at the time were old ships. These old ships were called Hulks and were very unsanitary and deplorable. Instead of sentencing a convict to death, he or she was transported to Australia as a form of punishment CITATION Cri l 1033 (A The National Archives, n.d.). 1788 marked the start of penal colonies in Australia where convicts, their children, marines and their families settled down. Free settlers soon followed and benefited from the rural labor of the convicts. The convicts worked in a system whereby they were sent to work in the field they were skilled in. A part from these British colonies were there were Australian Aboriginals who lost their land to the British colonies. Fast track to the twentieth century are the events of the Forgotten Children, the Innocent Children, and forced adoption, which play a significant role in the history of sibling incest in Australia. The Forgotten Children are an estimated 500,000 children who were placed in out-of-home care or institutions where they faced emotional, physical, and or sexual abuse whilst in care CITATION All09 l 1033 (Alliance for Forgotten Australians, 2009). The Innocent Children are child migrants who also experienced institutions and out-of-home care under the same conditions as the forgotten children. Parents were forced to give up their child for adoption through the forced adoption practices. In Australia the family structure focusing on families with children is as follows. According to data contained in the census taken in 2011, 36.7% represent couples with children who depend on them and 10. 6% represent single-parent families with children who depend on them CITATION Aus16 l 1033 (Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2016). From 1976 to 2011 there was a 4.2% increase in single-parent families with dependent children, but an 11.7% decrease in couple families with dependent children. Also, intact families with children from 0-17 years from 2012-2013 was 73.5%, whereas single parent families with children in that same age range was the second highest at 19.3%. Step and blended families accounted for less than 6.5% of all families CITATION Aus16 l 1033 (Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2016). There was no indication as to whether Aboriginal families were included in the data provided. Intrafamilial abuse are triggered by stressors faced by the parent or parents and family. Based on a research done by CITATION Ole10 l 1033 (Olesen, Macdonald, Raphael, Butterworth, 2010), some of the adversities parents in Australia suffer, which affects child development are: 1. Psychological distress (mental health problems) if it hinders children from accessing social networks and services and parent-child relationships CITATION Dep07 l 1033 (Department of Human Services , 2007) CITATION Lan99 l 1033 (Lancaster, 1999). About 21.7-23.5% of the children lived with a parent with mental illness CITATION May05 l 1033 (Maybery, Reupert, Patrick, Goodyear, Crase, 2005). 2. Financial hardship or material disadvantage, which is linked to childrens physical and mental health as well as academic success CITATION Bra02 l 1033 (Bradley Corwyn, 2002) CITATION Bro97 l 1033 (Brooks-Gunn Duncan, 1997) CITATION Cos97 l 1033 (Costello,, Farmer, Anglod, Burns, Erkanli, 1997) CITATION Dun98 l 1033 (Duncan, Yeung, Brooks-Gunn, Smith, 1998) CITATION McL96 l 1033 (McLeod Shanahan, 1996). In 2001, 2002, and 2003 CITATION Scu05 l 1033 (Scutella Smyth, 2005) estimated that 16.7, 18.8 and 14.5% respectively were Australian children 0-17 years who lived in homes with income be low the poverty line. 3. Parental separation CITATION Rod96 l 1033 (Rodgers, 1996)- CITATION Ole10 l 1033 (Olesen, Macdonald, Raphael, Butterworth, 2010) states that 15.3% of children lived with a single parent who was separated or divorced in 2005. This figure excludes those who were remarried. CITATION Sle93 l 1033 (Slee, 1993) recognized death along with parental separation. 4. Unemployment CITATION Chr94 l 1033 (Christoffersen, 1994) from which the child suffers depression, low self-esteem and substance abuse CITATION Ole10 l 1033 (Olesen, Macdonald, Raphael, Butterworth, 2010). 5. Childhood adversities ranging from parental separation to sexual abuse CITATION Kes97 l 1033 (Kessler, Davis, Kendler, 1997). 6. Death of a family member and financial hardship in the Aboriginal community CITATION Zub05 l 1033 (Zubrick, et al., 2005)This paper discusses the issue of Intrafamilial abuse focusing on sibling incest in Australia. Intrafamilial abuse is incest abuse within the family CI TATION Cro05 p 139 l 1033 (Crosson-Tower, 2014, 2010, 2008, 2005, p. 139). Thus, sibling incest is sexual abuse between siblings. There are two types of sibling incest mainly heterosexual abuse or brother-sister incest, which is most prevalent and homosexual abuse or brother-bother/sister-sister, which is second most prevalent. Unfortunately, there is little research material on homosexual incest, so heterosexual incest will be the point of focus for this paper. CITATION Caf05 l 1033 (Caffaro Conn-Caffaro, 2005) CITATION Wel08 l 1033 (Welfare, 2008) observed that sibling incest is an underreported and hidden for of sexual abuse. Although it is not reported as much, it is said to be five times more common than parental incest CITATION Smi87 p 256 l 1033 (Smith Israel, 1987, p. 256). Reasons why this form of abuse is under reported are the way sibling incest is perceived by the family, disclosure support is lacking, the way society sees sibling incest, and how abusive the abuse was. The following document examines aspects of heterosexual sibling incest such as the history, heterosexual sibling incest statement, understanding the problem, understanding the solution, the health and mental response of heterosexual sibling incest in Australia, and working in child protection ending with a conclusion. History of Sibling IncestResearch data is limited on heterosexual sibling incest because of lack of disclosure and reporting CITATION Caf05 l 1033 (Caffaro Conn-Caffaro, 2005) CITATION Car06 l 1033 (Carlson, Maciol, Scheider, Sibling incest: Reports from forty-one survivors, 2006), therefore it is hard to determine its prevalence. According to CITATION Viz13 l 1033 (Vizard, 2013) sibling incest or any form of sexual behaviors involving siblings were not always seen as sexual abuse in our societies CITATION Col14 l 1033 (Collin-Vezina, et al., 2014). In fact, some parents do not show concern when they are made aware of such abuse because they see it as innocent sex play CITATION Har01 l 1033 (Hardy, 2001). This is one of the main reasons victims rarely disclose this form of abuse. Instead of sympathy they are faced with disbelief and disregard. There are many contributing factors for sibling abuse, but the one that stands out most is an unstable family system. The family dynamics th at foster such sexual abuse are: physically absent but powerful father, emotionally distant single mother, isolated family, there are rigid boundaries the family and outsiders, but blurred boundaries among family members, inflexible and conventional gender role expectation, marital and family strife overdependence CITATION Har01 l 1033 (Hardy, 2001), parental display of excessive or repressed sexual behavior, harboring family secrets (for example, extramarital affair) CITATION Can92 l 1033 (Canavan, Meyer, Higgs, 1992) CITATION Smi87 l 1033 (Smith Israel, 1987), parental alcoholism and parental child abuse CITATION Bes82 l 1033 (Bess Janssen, 1982) CITATION Joh88 l 1033 (Johnson, 1988) CITATION Wor95 l 1033 (Worlng, 1995). Some of the family dynamics are as a result of the treatment and care some parents received as children during the Forgotten Children, Innocent Children, and forced adoption. They react in ways like being emotionally distant, displaying excessive or repressed s exual behavior, consuming alcohol, etc. because they use them as coping mechanisms. For the offender, the precipitating factors for sexually abusing his or her sibling include being physically (and sexually) abused CITATION Asc90 l 1033 (Ascherman Safier, 1990). There is some research out there that proves although not with everyone, but victims turn to victimizers. The offenders perception of his or her status in the family: privileged position with parent(s), no learned limits from neglectful parents, losing status in family due to remarriage CITATION Dig98 l 1033 (Digiorgio-Miller, 1998). Its like a form of rebellion where the offenders take out his or her frustration on the victim. Also, the physical and emotional absences on the part of the parental figures (intensified mutual dependency and sexual acting out between siblings)CITATION Smi87 l 1033 (Smith Israel, 1987), as well as being an older sibling usually a male who is placed in a position where he or she provides care f or younger siblings CITATION Abr94 l 1033 (Abraham Hoey, 1994)CITATION Can92 l 1033 (Canavan, Meyer, Higgs, 1992) CITATION Dai89 l 1033 (Daie, Witzum, Eleff, 1989) CITATION Wor95 l 1033 (Worlng, 1995). Case Study OutlineThis research paper concentrated on a contextual investigation of Australian families encountering sibling incest. Members included siblings from 6 to 13 years that were individuals from families managing the issue of sibling incest. The motivation behind this study was to manufacture comprehension of how families encounter sibling incest and its part in their families. Clinical information from treatment sessions was investigated to uncover that families understands the inbreeding in various ways including misuse as ordinary and manhandle as a misstep. Focal ideas that clarified how the families reacted to the kin interbreeding included (1) level of family attachment, (2) part of mystery, and (3) perspective of outside frameworks. The discoveries propose that treatment needs to incorporate an inside and out appraisal with respect to these issues. Brave New World opens in a technically advanced fu EssayAlliance for Forgotten Australians. (2009). The Alliance for Forgotten Australians. Retrieved from Alliance for Forgotten Australians:, L. I., Safier, E. J. (1990). Sibling incest: A consequence of the individual and family dysfunction. Bulletin of the Menniger Clinic, 311-322. Australian Institute of Family Studies. (2016). Types of families in australia. Retrieved from Australian Institute of Family Studies:, B. E., Janssen, Y. (1982). 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